Went to Seattle to a Graduation ceremony ... here's the skyline coming in from the North

The Space Needle!!!!

U of Washington "Husky" stadium. Lake Washington in the background. If you ever watch a TV'd Husky Football game, this is where they always show all the boats that come to the game and raft at the foot of the stadium!

That is the most un-stereotypical Seattle weather I've ever seen!
Yay for Audrey, getting out and enjoying Seattle!
Wow, Audrey is visiting a lot of places more than our human does!
Where are the clouds?
A most excellent travelogue. Audrey didn't want any seafood? And I wanted to take the wheel and head on up to Vancouver--my favorite (liveable) city on earth.
Audrey had a pretty good view of Seattle up there on that dashboard. Hope the Bunns weren't jealous that she got to go and they didn't!
The other night Hef's dad called me the bunny lady while Hef was getting his cuddles. Well we certianly had to recoil at that! I told him that I am not the bunny lady. The bunny lady lives in washington with ten rabbits! How rude!
ahhhh seattle! the good ol' days....although those were pre bunny days for me so how good could they have been. if only i had rabbits there.....
vivace! i miss vivace!
Ooh, nice! I've never been to the U.S., but now, I get to travel vicariously through Audrey hee hee here's to more road trips for Audrey!
OMG, that is funny.
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