We Bunns are your bloggers today. RG is exhausted. Taking care of 10 cupcakes such as ourselves has plumb wore him out! He is doing OK ... just not great.
Hey - Benji - can you see Bunny Lady coming yet???????

One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
10 bunnies on a train.. that would be a sight to behold, lol! You bunns might wanna stay put.. I doubt the service on the train can be any better than what you get from RG at home!
Poor RG. Poor buns--missing their mom. Hope BL is having a good time and catching a boat-load of fish though. We are one pet shy of your ten, and man, do I hate it when BF travels and I get stuck with all the chores....
Hang in there, bunnies! I'm sure RG's salads are perfectly fine.
Poor RG! So much work taking care of 10 needy buns:) Come home soon BL!!!
Don't they have an airplane? Wouldn't that be faster?
Getting rich by blogging ...
BaWahahahahaha ..
Right up there with growing rich with rabbits!!!
RG if you were gone they'd miss you too. Bet she missies them all terribly. Hang in there!!!!
Sounds like quite an adventure over there at the Bunns place! You seem to be doing a good job RG! Won't be long now!
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