It was a dark and stormy night .... no, wait ... Freckles and Deb already used that one. OK .....
Got an e-mail from in New London, Ct. They had this Audrey clone and needed a place to send her on to and of course the House of Rabbits came immediately to mind (although actually I think Freckles and Deb turned them down first.)
Carol Muskoron is an editor/blogger at in England ... a company that publishes lots of magazines. Carol has a house rabbit named Audrey who winds up in some of her blogs ... sort of how Cinnamon from Disapproving Rabbits started out. Anyway, Audrey is now famous and somehow that outfit is sending these clones out around the world for adventures. I know you can read about some of those at myhouserabbbit and at FurryButts in Kuala Lumpur - maybe other places too. (You do need to scroll back a few posts at those sites.) Supposedly the Allaboutyou folks are going to report on these clone adventures but I can't find any reports on their website.
You can read about Audrey herself HERE.
The whole caper is nowhere near as organized as some we-all have cooked up but then .....
So .... we will show Audrey the clone around a bit, share a few more pictures with you, and then send her on to some other deserving and willing soul ... several of which I have in mind!
Here is Zoey with Audrey ...............

And Winston .... Audrey's nose is very silky and reflects the flash!!!

Lucky ... are you beginning to notice a pattern????
And our big boy, Baxter ....
Audrey with "Speedy" ... a "hot rod" we have built, painted, rebuilt, re-wheeled and so on many times. You steer with your feet and pull up on the silver cross bar for "brakes"! Nobody seriously hurt but it has a lot of miles going down our hill ............. Audrey will probably take a pass here.
More Audrey later ............
Got an e-mail from in New London, Ct. They had this Audrey clone and needed a place to send her on to and of course the House of Rabbits came immediately to mind (although actually I think Freckles and Deb turned them down first.)
Carol Muskoron is an editor/blogger at in England ... a company that publishes lots of magazines. Carol has a house rabbit named Audrey who winds up in some of her blogs ... sort of how Cinnamon from Disapproving Rabbits started out. Anyway, Audrey is now famous and somehow that outfit is sending these clones out around the world for adventures. I know you can read about some of those at myhouserabbbit and at FurryButts in Kuala Lumpur - maybe other places too. (You do need to scroll back a few posts at those sites.) Supposedly the Allaboutyou folks are going to report on these clone adventures but I can't find any reports on their website.
You can read about Audrey herself HERE.
The whole caper is nowhere near as organized as some we-all have cooked up but then .....
So .... we will show Audrey the clone around a bit, share a few more pictures with you, and then send her on to some other deserving and willing soul ... several of which I have in mind!
Here is Zoey with Audrey ...............

And Winston .... Audrey's nose is very silky and reflects the flash!!!

Lucky ... are you beginning to notice a pattern????

Audrey with "Speedy" ... a "hot rod" we have built, painted, rebuilt, re-wheeled and so on many times. You steer with your feet and pull up on the silver cross bar for "brakes"! Nobody seriously hurt but it has a lot of miles going down our hill ............. Audrey will probably take a pass here.

Well, looks like Audrey is have a great time with RG, BL, and the Bunns! Wonder if she can keep them all straight yet!!
That speed racer thingy looks like lots of fun!
Speedy looks cool! I'd love to try it!
Are we supposed to pass Audrey around? I thought I could keep her for good :( she's kinda growing on all of us here, even Buttons has come to accept her, lol!
so who do you think Audrey will bond with?
Audrey is adorable! It looks like everyone is having a grand time!
Audrey might be coming to visit us in SF, too!
Ha ha! All of the buns are doing the "What is that? Is it safe?" creep!
Found you through Heartland Rabbit Rescue blog. Your Baxter reminds me of our Patches -- 10.5 lbs of big bunny!
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