Winston and the slipper ... I wonder what he thought.
About Maxine: She was already here, outside, when we moved in 7 1/2 years ago. Obviously a pet and healthy, but nobody claimed her. We already had a long time inside cat, PJ, so she did not have an inside option. From time to time she has snuck in, but heads out once we shoo her. She reminded us (some of her looks) of a guy named Max and that's why the name. She seems pretty happy and gets 3 good squares a day, which she shares with 3 or 4 other cats that spend part of there time around our place. She has a nice cozy house and also the whole little old barn with plenty of nooks and crannys. We all have a pretty agreeable deal.

I suspect the bunns are almost oblivious to Maxine and vice-versa. They are never where she can see them, although I suspect they know some animal is up (or down) there. But it seems to have no effect. Unless they secretly communicate ...........
I love that photo!
Winston looks like he's ready to strike!
what a great picture -
Ready to strike or ready to take it over to the bunny lounge for a carrotini?
All it needs is some ears and eyes and you've got a Winston bunny slipper!
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