We sent Audrey in the mail to Cultus Lake, British Columbia. That's a little east of Vancouver. No word yet of her arrival.
Look there... black Winnie in the shade - lighter Lucky in the sun. It is pretty warm today ... they are right in the edge of the fan airstream! Very clever bunnies.
We have the fan oscillating .. Lucky likes to sit up facing it and let it ruffle him up on every pass!
Have a safe and sane Fourth everyone. We always stay home, off the roads. There are 4 smallish towns and two big casinos all within 15 miles or so of us --- all with big displays. We get a lot of light-works and noise, right from the front yard! The bunns do not like it.
Smart dark-colored bun to stay out of the sun! Our buns don't like the fireworks either, and we stay off the road too. The worst year ever is the year we ventured into DC for the gargantuan fireworks display. Easy enough to get in, blistering sun, a sudden cloudburst, people around us puking from drinking too much or sun poisoning. Then the fireworks display, very nice. And then the scary trek home, squished horribly on the subway, people puking, as a zillion people left town all at once. Never again. Now we stay at home with our $20 bag of sparklers and a big jug of iced tea.
No sign of Audrey yet - but she may have stopped to snack on a Maple Leaf on the first (Canada day) or wanted to see the pretty lights in the sky (the fourth) before leaving the U.S. :)
Surprisingly, my two were never much bothered by fireworks. We got them three times a year across the road as the golf course always did *something* for Canada Day, Hallowe'en and New Years. Sage didn't even wake up from her 10pm nap this year. Scout was generally good for an ear twitch. :)
lovely photo, sensible bunns. Happy 4th. Bunnies never like fireworks,,,,
We got a fireworks catalog in the mail. Hef was insisting it would bring customers to the bunny lounge. I told him rabbits don't like loud noises. THE Hugh Hefner is the only resident in LA to have a private fireworks license, I don't think my Hef is getting the same privelege. (Fireworks are illegal here)
Sure hope Audrey dosen't get lost in the mail like our house payment did once:O So cute how the buns enjoy their fan, hopefully they won't be too bothered by the loud boomers:)
Clever bunnies to understand about the fan. Years ago I bought a cage-mount fan for my then-bunny, who hated it. Tid was free-range, so I never tried it with her. Maybe I'll see what Mr. Cadbury thinks of it. Nothing much fazes him, so I don't even think the fireworks will be a problem.
Happy Fourth!
Fireworks are supposed to be illegal here, but here are intermittent explosions anyway. Yesterday on the news there was a story about a 13 year old who set off a Roman Candle in the living room of his house (it's illegal so he figured to keep it off the streets) the resulting fire burnt down two houses. My X used to drive cab and he said the carnage of cats and dogs running scared in the streets and getting hit could be horrendous. Home and quiet is good.
We hope Audrey has a safe trip to Canada. Looks like she escaped from the fireworks!
Freckles doesn't seem to notice the fireworks, even though there's always a lot going off in our neighborhood! She'll probably have a nice treat and stay in her box.
The Audrey has arrived!! *binky*
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