I had my last on-site visit with the physical therapy guy - Mr. Twister - today. I still have lots of stretches and strength building routines to do at home, but I'm doing great and can enjoy most normal activities except stuff like mowing the lawn. It will be another 7 months to get to 99% or so. I can hold bunnies!
Here are 9 morning breakfasts .. the larger banana slices go to the bigger bunns - like Baxter. Nice chunks of whole-wheat bread under there. Some of the guys go right for the banana, others slip that piece of bread out first ... that is fun to watch. Never a crumb left.
The 10th breakfast has already been served to her Highness The Princess. She gets her bread broken into 24 small bits and her banana cut into 10 nice bite-size pieces. Served in a cut glass bowl. Nuthin special ....
We hosted a going away party for a person we know at our house this evening. Bunny Lady did a bang up job of organizing and preparing and caring for 20 people! Made Death by Chocolate too! They'll be talking about it for some time. It was a bunch of rather hard-core enviro-types. We did not want to use disposable dishes/napkins (well, BL did but I felt like we needed to respect the culture of the guest of honor) ... I should of had Mr. Twister tell BL I can't wash dishes. Any good remedy for wrinkled skin? At least my finger nails are clean!

NOM nana sammiches!
when we rescued Anya we bought extra bananas specially for here, she wouldn't eat them. She never liked bananas, i wonder why.
I like these breakfasts all laid out so neatly.
Cadbury wants to know if you ship those banana breakfasts!
I'm glad your arm is doing better. I'm sure you're deeply disappointed to not be able to mow the lawn, though. Right?
Yeah I agree with Bunnygirl can Hef sign up for Bun Breakfeast By Mail?
Also Princess' breakfeast reminds me of the fancy feast cat.
Crafty Green Poet, my Josephine (formerly "Madam the Empress Josephine, now, alas, "The Immortal Josephine") wouldn't eat bananas either. Took her *years* for some reason - then one day she just went, well, bananas for them...
Jack doesn't especially care for them either, though he will nibble them. Maybe it's a New Zealand White thing? (Josephine was a NZW, too).
Glad to hear your arm is doing well. Holding and petting bunnies is great therapy, mind you so is doing dishes, but I bet you enjoy holding the bunns more! How nice they all get such healthy breakfasts presented so nicely. Spoiled bunns!
PS What ever became of Audrey?
Hooray for the arm. I bet Princess counts to be sure there are 24 pieces. Sydney doesn't like bananas and Tyler needs convincing, funny little Spots. Wrinkles? Olive oil, got 'em in the kitchen, cure 'em in the kitchen.
I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again...
If I ever come back as a rabbit I want to live with RG and BL!!
I had to hide that photo from Mario for fear of a revolt.
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