Second, the tune is "I'm Not Lisa", an old country song by Jesse Colter. She was Waylon Jennings' wife - Waylon is now dead from diabetes but certainly was well known as one of Willie Nelson's sidekicks and one of the 4 outlaws ... Waylon, Willie, Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristoffersen. Waylon was supposed to be on the airplane that crashed and killed Buddy Holly, but gave up his seat to another band member who was ill. I like his singing!
Third, you grow garlic like you grow tulips or daffodils. Plant the bulbletts in late-Oct to mid-Nov. and pull them when the leaves start to get brown - usually mid-late July. Buy the bulbs from a feed store/garden store and plant each little clove separately about 6 inches apart! Each bulb breaks up into 10 or more cloves to plant! There are SO many varieties of garlic.
Fourth, the path does lead to the spuds. The tomatoes are just off to the right of the path .. I include a picture ... cherry tomatoes still green. We do not live in the best tomato country ... usually not enough sunlight and heat.
Here is Baxter. The deck there is about head high off the ground and sometimes I stand there and slide a few dandelions through that slot you see just above Bax and the litter box. (That part of the deck is all glassed in .. long story .. later .. and that is the edge of the glass, just off the deck floor.) Anyway, I just mention "Baxter" quite softly a few times and soon he perks up and hotfoots it right over to those green treats!

Ooh thanks for the tip on how to bunny nap Baxter! Pssst! Baxter, Baxter.. over here boy.. I've got plenty of greens!! Mwahahaha!!
Don't worry about crop seperation, I planted Basil and Parsley in the same pot and Pansys and Sunflowers in one pot and they are doing good.
Nommmm garden fresh dandies, serve 'em up. Crop separation,'re just companion planting, don't want anyone to get lonely.
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