By the way ... we have new bags of OxBow Basic Bunny/T and it seems like most of the bunns are not eating much of it. They eat greens, hay, treats, fruits, etc. but not the pellets much. Anybody else having this issue?
Busy and hectic around here .. should settle down soon.
Having called Oxbow about this once long a ago this is what I was told that the taste of the hay changes from crop to crop and so the pellets do too. It was suggested that I always mix new with old towards the end of the bag. Of course it's a bit late for that, it was also suggested that one could spray a little apple juice on the pellets to sweeten the deal. I think I just added a few oats for a week or so until my bun came to her senses and realized these were the only pellets she was going to get. But it might be worth a call to them, just to see......That Savanah is one funny bunn.....
We feed the oxbow hay but not the pellets. The buns here eat a little bit of the Brown's pellets that have dried fruits and veggies in it (just a little--it's like bunny junk food). Savannah is just doing a little redecorating.
We got a bag recently which our bunnies did not like. They normally devour BBT. I did call Oxbow about it.
Hef has never been picky about his pellets, he's picky about treats. However it is suspicious if all ten rabbits aren't eating it.
They know you spent money on something without consulting them. They're just in a snit.
Mine are still eating it, but its not a real new bag, I'll watch when I order again. Love the remodeling job:)
Our buns haven't been finishing their pellets like they used to. But not sure when it started, 2 months ago maybe. We will be finishing a bag soon and already picked up a new one, so we will see what happens with that.
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