Let 'r rip ... I've got huge overhangs, I'm blocked up out of any puddles, There is a box to cozy up in, and lots of fresh hay .... CHICO
No, that is not RG, but it IS exactly how he remembers it ... right down to the cute hats!
OK Now, seriously ... eventually hop over to the Captain Rupert et. al. blog on the blog-list and see why that blog has been silent for some time!

Chico you look warm and cosy in that little house.....
Nice house!!! Man... now I want an outside house too!
I love Chico's little house! I better not let Cadbury see or he'll want to know why he doesn't have one, too.
What a lovely house! What lucky buns!
How nice of Chico to set up the house for RG's comfort while Chico watches the storm from one of the windows in the house.
RG glad you don't have to that again! We should have a bunarchitecture theme......
I really need to do some neat little bun houses for the outdoor play areas. And those are cute hats, but not as cute as all those cute buns.
That house is so awesome! Do you have your own letter box, because then you could get mail from other bunnies delivered right to your home! :D
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