Yes fellow bunnies, there IS more to the story ..... You see, BL is girding her loins and staffing up to take on Farmers, the County, the State, the Federal Government, and several Indian tribes. Getting them to clean up this ugly, unsafe, polluted agricultural drainage slough that runs across our property! In her most ebullient states she envisions herself as ...................

Ermmmm .....
Wow, good luck to her! Clean water benefits everyone.
Good luck BL, hope you manage to clean it up!
Thanks Racer for keeping us informed...
Go for it, BL! Tell them to clean this up or otherwise...
Every bun is cheering for you, we all want a clean environment!
Best wishes for BL and gettin' it done! Racer, your so handsome with the white spot on your lil' nose:)
Way to go BL! Good luck we are rooting for you!
Go get 'em BL! This is the good fight.
Good for you BL!! Keep us updated!
Sorry. I was distracted by uber cute bunneh nose...
You go, BL! March into battle with a sword in one hand and a rabbit in the other!
Actually she goes with a pot of beef burgandy and a glass of wine ......
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