We wish him a speedy recovery ... otherwise fewer treats.
and then .... BL called OxBow (BL would call the Pope if she needed his assistance or advice!) They said that they had lots of complaints of pellets with the date below. They told her they had every scientist in the place analyze every pellet every which way but loose and they could NOT find a single difference between these pellets and other batches. Hmpfff .. why the heck didn't they just ask a rabbit in the first place? You suppose NO rabbits even work there? How do they test? Good grief - all companies have "typical" product testers. What a bunch of meatballs. Thumps..........

Hope surgery goes well. Be sure to stay all drugged up. Lemmie know if help is needed, I'm close by! Then you are all healed up, you can take that long vacation!
Hope the surgery goes well!
That's odd about the pelllets....
Good luck with the shoulder, and hope you get a speedy recovery!
Is this the same operation you had to the other shoulder earlier?
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, hope all goes well. My hubby had a hip replacement in June...be glad your not having that:) To oxbow, YES...hire bunns to test the food, I'm sure the humans there aren't eating it to see what it tastes like!!!!
More shoulder surgery? That sucks. Get better soon!
As for the pellets, maybe it's something that went wrong in shipping. Maybe they were shipped or temporarily stored in close proximity to something that bunnies find stinky. Or maybe the packaging has a bunny-offensive smell.
Good luck with the surgery! What's wrong with the shoulder? Also, I've been hearing a lot about the Oxbow Basics, but has anyone had any problems with the Oxbow Pro?
I hope the surgery went well! I wish you a speedy recovery.
Good luck with that sugery RG, do your Chinese Secret Practices again for fast healing. I'm sure there are plenty of bunnies who would love the job of testing pellets for Oxbow. They could have special seal that said "rabbit approved" with a picture of the tester and a paw print....OK maybe not.
Hope surgery works out. The bunns need a full complement of servants and it's nice to be able to enjoy the holidays without restraint.
Has anyone stopped feeding the Oxbow or are your rabbits adapting to it?
Good luck RG!! Are you having an arthroscopy?
Make sure you take all those painkillers so you are in no pain, and surely BL will take excellent care of you. And if the Bunns agree, you may have some therapy time with a lap bunny as well :)
We never had Oxbow pellets - we always get the Science Selective ones and the bunnies never turned their tiny noses on them...maybe at Russel Rabbit they employ bunnies after all.
Healing wishes for your shoulder surgery!!
Hmm... Will have to check my pellets when I get home.
That's the date on our most recent and almost finished bag.....send your rejects down this a way.
Hope all goes well RG!
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