One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
As part of her "Beautify the Slough" campaign, BL (aka Lady of the Slough) got about 40 friends and neighbors to donate money, time, skills, and a bit of food and we put 130 native plants of a wide variety along our little stretch of slough waterfront on Sunday. We hope it will serve as a model for others to emulate - we plan to encourage it! We had a most amazing turnout complete with the requisite "big wigs" and the requisite "greenies" and everyone in between.
The finished work - grow babies, grow!
What BL does best .... oh my! (Ever have 35 tree planters come for dinner?)
"PFHHHHTTTTTtttt. Racer reports it was dull dull dull .... outside in the sun - much better!" - Chico
Slough-u-lous! But slough! What light from yonder window breaks?
Love the Fab Furs song! Way to go, Fabs!
Clearly your house is constructed like ours so that you can look over a balcony or railing to the floor below and spot something you've forgotten on the other floor. This is where BL's fishing pole with an extra large hook, comes in handy. Way to go, BL on the buffet--you are a wonderful party giver!
Way to help out mother nature!! great work :)
Excellent work!
The planters in the slough. The planters in the slough.
Hi-ho! The slough-o! The planters in the slough.
The planters take a break. The planters take a break.
Hi-ho! The slough-o! The planters take a break.
The bunnies take the sun. The bunnies take the sun.
Hi-ho! The slough-o! The bunnies take the sun.
The slough will be better. The slough will be better.
Hi-ho! The slough-o! The slough will be better.
Oh my goodness. The "Furrpect" lyrics for our grand adventure! Thanks.
Look at the buffet! And the sunshine, just lovely!
Slough-u-lous! But slough! What light from yonder window breaks?
Love the Fab Furs song! Way to go, Fabs!
Clearly your house is constructed like ours so that you can look over a balcony or railing to the floor below and spot something you've forgotten on the other floor. This is where BL's fishing pole with an extra large hook, comes in handy. Way to go, BL on the buffet--you are a wonderful party giver!
Oh, to have been a guest at that buffet! They would have had to roll me home. :)
This is SO cool! Sounds like a great day.
Well done BL and RG! Hopefully the example you have set will catch on and "grow" (couldn't resist the pun).
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