"Look at these three news items. BL and RG are going to Seattle tomorrow to see Picasso - I wonder if Picasso is another rabbit? And it says here they bought a new flavor of Yogurt Drop, I NEVER get one so maybe The Princess will report on that fiasco. Finally they are having a BIG party for the Lady of the Slough effort (remember that?) here Sunday and WE all have to be oogled and held and petted and on our best behavior - duh - aren't we always? More later" - your intrepid reporter Racer. 
"It's all true me beloved little boy. And Laura from RenoRabbits will bring you some late afternoon love and food tomorrow too - you are such a lucky bunch." - RG
What a cutie Racer is.
I don't know what it is, but something about the look on Racer's face makes me want to pick him up and snorgle him!!!
Every time--EVERY SINGLE TIME--I think there cannot be a cuter picture of Racer, and then there is.
You're trying to kill us all with the cute, aren't you, RG?
The Boy can't help it!!!!
Wow, Racer can read? He's so talented, in addition to being cute as the dickens.
Oh Racer, so cute and so clever!
Enjoy Picasso! Now that would be a good name for a bunny!
Well Racer, that's certainly a lot of news to chew over. Perhaps they can bring you back a Picasso postcard and make sure you get some of those yogurt drops in return for good behavior at the dinner. You are a much cuter news reader than those people over at Fox.
Humans beware, your secrets (and everyday doings) aren't safe when Reporter Racer is on the job!
I wonder which will taste better, the Picasso postcard, or the yogurt drop? It would be a toss-up around here. And why isn't that newspaper full of holes?
Racer you crack me up.
I can't handle Racer's cuteness.
Rabbits can NOT be that cute! It hurts that he's so cute! Can't stand it ... must snuggle him!
Why doesn't Racer get yogurt drops? I'm calling PETA if you can't come up with a good reason. OK maybe not PETA, maybe I'll just give Clint a ring.
Racer you are such a sophisticated bun reading the paper like that. Or maybe you're just looking for the best part to chew first.
xx, shell
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