Black Bart is here again for some visit time. Actually he is going for a little manly vet visit Tuesday and soft-heart BL will be nursing him back to health. Bart and Savannah are quite the pair.

Watch out.
The Darkness is near.
Black Bart = hired hitbun.
KB is getting the retribution due him for invading Racer's lodgings. You do not cross The Bunns and get away with it for long.
I'd be a little concerned, RG. ;)
he he he! Looks like he's just about to grab KB's tail!
Black Bart...I think the name says it all, LOL!!!! If kitty boy goes into hiding you'll know why;)
Black Bart is tagging KB to let him know he is taking his place for a while so KB can have a nice, long, well-deserved nap in a quiet, warm, and secluded place in the house (if any such place does exist).
But the Black came back the very next time.
Yes the Black came back.
They thought he was gone,
But the Black came back.
He just wouldn't stay away.
I'm sure Savannah is happy to see him too.
Is he a particularly dark black, cos he looks a much deeper black than either Winston or Racer. I love the photo of Black Bart and KB
Dudley wants to know where Black Bart trained? He thinks they have been schooled in Special Hops together.
Black Bart, hopping toward KB: "What's that smell?"
I would love to see if KB jumped sky high if BB stealthily got in a little goose to the backside.
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