... We haven't eaten in days. Locked in this dank, dark, cold cage. Have you no pity RG? No conscience? Are we to just sit here and waste away? Food! For the love of all things hallowed, give us Food!" - Goldie and Benji the Famished.

" I am standing right here with your dinners dudes. You just finished a large dollop of fresh hay. Now the world thinks I'm a bunny-abuser. Talk about "Have Mercy" - give me some slack." RG - the Harassed
Oh dear RG its definately back to the grind stone,the life of a bunny slave....hehehe
I dunno, Benji--you guys are looking a little too...fluffy, shall we say?...to have been deprived of food for that long. You might want to rethink your approach.
bunnies are so demanding!
Oh geez, I know that feeling ALL TOO WELL.
If the bunns say they are starving, they are starving! We have not seen Benji and Goldie together for a bit. Nice to see they still love each other.
hahaha!!!! I've definitely been in that situation. Seems to happen at least once a day, sometimes twice.
I think all rabbits have a complex where they feel as if they are STARVING and have not been fed in days when in fact they are sitting on a pile of hay.
RB, very true. But a pile of hay is NOT a pile of treats, so they must be starving. lol
Hello? Is this the Society for the Prevention of Mercy for Bunny Indentured Servants? I'd like to report a disturbing incident. A fellow named RG was overheard asking two of his bunnies for mercy. One was a little girl and he called her "Dude" and he never feeds these particular bunnies and he yelled at them because he's afraid people will know he is a bunny abuser and for some reason Brandi is now calling him RB. This is especially troubling. What can it mean? Can you help me? Really? Fantastic! Yep, that should about take care of things. Thank you again.
Who's there?
The service at that restaurant truly sucks. Time to speak with the manager. BL...oh BL...where are you?
Huuuuurrry, RG! Not much time is left! Goldie is fainting from malnurishment! She can't even hold her head up! She has to rest it on Benji's back! Hurry, before it's too late!
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