... all duded up and with all that stuff RG?" "I'm off to find fame and fortune Benji?" "How?" "I'm teaching a workshop about Social Marketing!" "What is that?" "Getting people to change a behavior for the benefit of society." "Oh, you mean like more treats makes for a happier bundle of bunnies?" "I guess." "Well, can you unlock the slammer gate here before you go?"

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho. It's off to work I go ...." - RG the Teacher
First to comment, first to comment -- WHEE!!
Sounds good, RG.
Hang in there, Benji!
hey Benji do you want a jail break?I can be there in a jiffy and have you out in no time,from Speedy!
Speedy, you are ornery! Bunnies stay locked up to keep them out of danger ... I know it's no fun that way ...
I know it will be a very wonderful talk, RG!
Tonight, there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in this town
See, me and the boys, we don't like it
So we're gettin' up and goin' down
Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy
Benji I can spring you while RG is off teaching his class. We will have a heck of a good time of it.
RG is probably using all of us except 6Bs as an example of a bunch of reprobates whose behaviour should be changed for the benefit/betterment of society. Maybe it's time for a little soul searching - especially all of you out there who are always riling up the rabbits? Besides, we are just redundant reprobates. How much inciting do the bunnies really need? Or, maybe it is all our fault. Maybe we are at fault and bunnies are blameless and harmless paragons? What have we done?
Social Marketing aims at an audience already quite likely to make the desired change. Therefore I will not be initiating a program for commenters of this blog!
Besides, I like you just the way you are.
Ahh, thank you, RG. Hey, was that just a Social Marketing trick? Sorry, RG, I have been hanging with the bunns too long. You get suspicious of hoomins. Really, very sorry.
Had to google social marketing, to my shame...
Correct me if I am wrong, Sifu RG, but is it true that animal rescue groups are already employing social marketing to it's textbook definition in trying to not only get animals medical care, sterilization, rehabilitation, adopted, but also to educate the public to prevent the situations that contribute to the need of rescues in the first place? And aren't they employing any means at their disposal to educate the public in many many aspects of pet care and animal advocacy? And becoming a charity, they can take advantage of government assistance and tax exemption while fund raising from private and corporate sources to help with the cause? And are they not using various media outlets to get the message across, such as websites, blogs (such as HOR and DR), radio and television, billboards and then taking the animals to the people at adoption event at say Petsmart or other places where people are gathered for a purpose like a concert or fair. Sharon and Bill over at DR have used book signing events, Hoppy Hour, television shows etc for rabbit advocacy, which, maybe though not quite organized in conjunction with other organizations, is still advocating and working towards the same purpose as these charities and still "linked" with them through the kind of exposure being utilized.
I have just never heard of social marketing, and am trying to get it straight in my nugget head...
Hey, I think RG just told us we were hopeless albeit in a nice sort of way.
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