"We accidentally left a gate open and Winnie-the-Pooh got back into this long skinny hallway. We had to broom him out!" - RG the Dumbkoff.

"We re-roofed! Brown is the new Blue! Don't you just love the ambiance? "It'llDo" ..." RG the Cheap.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
broom him out? Poor Winnie, never a moment's peace!
*GASP!* You BROOMED Winnie?! Winston the Lawyer supreme?
Oh you better be gettin' ready with the pawrubs or you'll be paying for a long time..
I know how you feel RG we had to do it quite often with our last bun Thumper other wise we would get war wounds from him,just glad Speedy comes to the call of his name
Broom, eh? The INDIGNITY, the audacity, the nerve and gumption.
When a rabbit sets their mind to "dig" in, they stay dug in! Must be a self security thing.
RG, after all the beautiful culinary items you have shown us we are never going to believe you did not take home economics in high school, maybe even in college, but you are never going to convince us that you ever took shop! For Heaven's sake be careful on that ladder, etc., etc., etc...you all have recently scared us. PTSD in no joke. Now go watch a football game and pet a bunny if any of them will allow it after the recent unspeakable doings. The way a little initiative is rewarded these days. You are going to turn Brandi B back into a Libertarian.
I saw a little sign that said Cthulhu 2012: Why Vote For a Lesser Evil.
That's how this Libertarian feels!!
The brown is good. Blends in fine.
We have had to broom our cat a few times when she escaped outside. When my kids were little they taped paper eyes, noses and mouths on to our brooms to make broom people and I never took the faces off. Our cat was so traumatized by the broom people we can't sweep the floor in her presence. She freaks out...
The balance of power has shifted. It is going to be a coalition of the broomed against us. We are doomed...appropriately, I might add.
what? brooming? shocking....
RG, Auntie Gertie and Uncle Earl are lending yet more blankets and other support to the COTB. I don't mean little blankies, I mean something big enough to ambushcade you in the dark. It gets thrown over your head and you get broomed. It is time to talk this out with Winston, coalition leader. Hopefully, he will send KB over to the poor cat.
If it keeps the bunnies dry and out of the direct sun, then it is perfect! The bunnies add the ambiance!
You broomed my Winnie? Well, I can't honestly say I haven't broomed a few bunnies out from behind things too ... so I can't complain. He probably survived ...
He's never going to love you again, RG.
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