... I'm hard a'ground, my boat won't float - I just can't get no traction. I'm harbor-bound, no water in the moat - I NEED a little action!" - Racer the Poet.

"It rained .13" last night Skipper. That's it for the last 48 days AND the forseeable future." - RG the Weatherguy
Take yur choice - Chicken Parmesan or fresh Blackberry pie.
How can everything be so beautiful there without any rain? .13 sounds really serious. I am hoping the little bunn's complaints get heard. Having similar sorrows here, I would surely like to drown them in that very yummy looking food.
Next thing you know, we'll bee hearing Racer's rendition of "How Dry I Am"...Ever consider trading in the boat for a camel and becoming a nomad, Racer?
MMMMMMMMMM, chicken parm and blackberry pie--what do you mean, "take your choice"? I want BOTH, dangit?
fresh blackberry with whipped cream i'll be right up
Oh, both dishes, please! Mmmmm...!
Racer's little head peeking out of there is too much to handle! I'm dying of cuteness! Not an evil speck in that bun! :)
mmmmm clotted cream with the pie please and the chicken for supper,Don't worry Racer Speedy said he'll come and get you for another adventure
Pirate Racer needs the briney blue, the drink, the big pond...And here Noah had to take all the good rain...no fair...Speaking of fair, it is NOT fair to show us all the cutesie bunnies AND all the pretty flowers, AND all the lovely butterlies, AND then show us all your yummy noms. Just so cruel of you, RG.
I am going against all my Libertarian ideals and here and now DEMAND a redistribution of RG's wealth: Bunnies, flowers, butterflies AND PIES!
oh Racer, come to Scotland, all our lochs are flooded, you'd be waterborne in an instant...
We've had rain for almost 2 months straight. I'll send a little your way sweet one.
Oh, and I'll be right over for a piece of that pie!
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