... Yawn. If Romney wins I chew the chair arm. If Obama wins I chew the plaid shirt." - The Princess the Decided! 

"Me? I'm just going to stop and smell the flowers." - RG the Philosopher.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Flowers are beatiful as is the Princess
Princess has it all in perspective.
If either wins, it's still going to be SSDD. I am more interested in what the rabbits do than politicians.
Well, Princess, you are always the winner in my book.
Now if rabbits got to be president...
We decided to vote for our bunnies this election for President and Vice President. We think they will do a great job, relatively speaking....
Princess, we know Romney is a little wooden so be careful not to confuse him with your arm chair. If you chew on President Obama's shirt, the secret service might become a concern, you might not get to be the First Bunn. Think of all those veggies in the First Lady's garden. About this yawning...all good citibunns VOTE!
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