... Mr. Winston, sir? The two-tone brown or the green and white? For your curtains." - RG the Tailor.

"Gag me with a spoon, RG. I want something bright, flashy, bold. I want to make a big splash! (Besides, these stink - they are paint rags.)" - Winston the POOH-ON-YOU!
"Oh Oh!"
Winston is right. (Rabbits always are.) He needs a royal Stewart tartan to show off his coloring.
I take mr. winston out shopping to the fabric store, he is a bun of discriminating tastes
I think those shirts are great. Any bean would love them, but really, RG, offering them to Winston? We are ashamed. Yes you have shamed all beans.
We like the brown around here.
Oh my...it seems that Auntie Shell needs to come decorate.
Plaid? He needs supersoft polar fleece!
A bright red polar Fleece would be great
Oh, Winnie ... no words ... I have none for you... so sorry nobody appreciates your style.
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