... but we did an excellent job! Hard workers like us could probably catch on over there at Raspberry Rabbits!" - Benji and Goldie the Proud!

"Not real great guys. Not real great at all." - The Cleaning staff.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Ever considered a little positive reinforcement, a little affirmation? Hmmm, no? Just a cold hearted broom kinda guy. Yeah and whisk brooms and paint brushes count. I really hate to think of the plexes these little bunns will have to battle in later life. Sigh...then again, their misbehavior is very likely going to be aimed at you, Broomer.
Sorry to keep hammering away on this, Broomer, but it is primo Bunny Elf canvassing season and I don't like to think of anything this serious being overlooked. Sorry, but it just wouldn't be right.
hehehehe....hahahah....Sorry Speedy and I just can't stop laughing...hehehahah Now the buns are going to target you RG!...hehehehahaha...all that extra cleaning...hehehaha...and then anonymous's(secret pen pal)comments...hehehaha...too funny!
Oh my! What an extraordinary piece of work! You've got my sympathy RG , cleaning up after one rabbit who's "made his opinion clear" is work enough.
I deal with the opinions of three rabbits in one large pen every morning. Every morning. Lots and lots of opinions of various sizes. I don't mind too much, it means they are eating as they should and that is a great sign. However, there are mornings I JUST DO NOT WANT TO CLEAN all those opinions. And they get irritated with the broom and I for cleaning! Ungrateful beasts!
Did you give Goldie another hair cut?
Go to http://voicesforrabbits.blogspot.com/2012/10/sherwood-forest-natural-rabbit-food.html
and check out my review of Sherwood Forest Natural Rabbit food. I am sold.
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