.. I run down 10 yards, fake left but go deep and circle back 2 steps and you lay it square in the old bread-basket. Right?" "Give it my best shot Cheekers, our whole season is riding on it."

"More exciting than my beloved Michigan State Spartans ...." - RG the Breathless.
Chico is so handsome.
I'm studying that photo to see if it can give me a clue on which was Racer in the two recent Racer / Winston photos....
Football season is OVER. OVER I SAY!
But I would watch these two play. CUTE CUTE CUTE!
The Inquisition came to Norman, Oklahoma and proceeded to bring down the wrath of The Holy See.
I need to squeeze and cuddle a Chico Rabbit to ease the dull ache in my soul.
Next year!!!!
forget Football! its time for bun play
But, but, but, Speedy, this is real football not some old stupid entire rest of the world football...please, if you are threatening us with bunnesia, leave us us a brain cell or two for football. Oh, and we get to use the term football because our players use their feet so much. Hmmm, I do want to play with you though, hmmm, it's bunny halftime!
If we are choosing up sides, I get Speedy!
The GRIDIRON! A game of inches and seconds, Hail Marys and broken bones. These are the gladiators of the modern era, the demigods of our times.
Until they get caught "juicing", fail their drug tests, get arrested drunk driving, go to prison for running dog fighting rings, beat up their wives, or get accused of rape.
I might be mixing in some NBA and baseball in there...
But COLLEGE football is DEFINITELY over for the year!!!
Forget it, RG. No one is letting a Broomer near Speedy.
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