I reckon I could use one of those Pampas Grass fronds for a bro ... er ... feather duster. Yes. That's it. A feather duster. (Don't look at me like that Winston.") - RG the Nervous.

"I heard Gene Autry singing Santy Claus is Coming to Town" today. All is well in this Holiday Season!" - RG the Ancient.
From the look on his face, I don't think Winnie wants to be "feather dusted".
Is that disapproval in your eye, Winnie?
That's what bunnies do ... keep us walking on eggshells and watching what we say ... one bad step and WE get broomed ...
I am in bed with the flu (?). I am very sick and then the news of this new outrage was brought to my sick bed. I slowly dragged myself computerward. I wasn't going to have poor little Winne feeling abandoned. No, he wasn't going to have to face this alone! Then I took one look and saw that that bunny had come to the fight with his rabbit! That means he was taking care of it himself just fine. I've been dictating this. Hope the personal secretary is not a robot.
Jane, glad something got the life back in you enough to post!
I like to use things like feathered cat toys to brush against bunny faces and butts while making a funny little noise. It makes them binky like crazy and chase the feather. Pampas grass fronds would be great for that! I have also used something similar to pampas grass fronds to whack the cat. See, when he is being an obnoxious turd, I have the "reach" to give him a pain free thwacking. Now all I have to do is shake the ornamental grass bundle (from Dollar Tree) at him and he immediately stops what he is doing (teasing or "hugging" the bunnies!) and leaps clear of my justice!
Don't worry, Auntie Jane (Anonymous), I think he secretly likes being whacked by it because he runs around the house attacking everyone with big crazy cat eyes.
Don't worry Winnie Santa is watching and he know's who's been bad or good!RG which one are you going to be I wonder...HMMMM...RG!
Auntie Jane get well soon cause I miss you,snuggles to you Auntie Jane,xx Speedy
Winnie just keeps me coming back here over and over again for more virtual snuggling! I just love that bunny!
Dang, I think that disapproval melted my monitor--watch where you're pointing that thing, Winnie!
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