We had to help Goldie into the Bunny-beyond on Friday afternoon. Goldie has had cataracts for quite awhile and has been fully blind for a few weeks, although for the most part she knew her way around her living areas and Benji. But in the past few days she began to be listless, not eat much, and lost control of her bodily functions. It was very hard and sad to just keep her clean and comfortable. In the long run it is for the very best, for now just incredibly sad and empty. 

We got Goldie and her brother Bluie, as babies, 8 1/2 years and more ago. American fuzzy lops. Bluie had a congenital issue, and though we gave him almost daily anti-biotic shots and periodic hydration treatments, he lived well for several years.
There will never be another Goldie.
Sweet Goldie. She didn't always get as much screen time as the others, but she will be missed.
Nooo!! Sooo very sorry and sad to hear this news. We will miss you beautiful girl.
Oh, nooooooo! Oh dear sweet Goldie, who always reminded me of a fluffier version of Mr. Mick, we will miss you so much. :(
Everyone and everybun in the HoR is in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and much love from me, and Mr. Mick sends nose bonks and bunny kisses to one and all.
Shoot. I really hate to read this. Goldie I am going to miss that face of yours so much baby. Godspeed on your journey kiddo.
BL and RG I am thinking of you both. I will light a candle for Goldie.
I am so very sad! Our thoughts and prayers go to your human/bunny family. She certainly had a wonderful life, thanks to you all.
Our little Golden girl. I am so very sorry. Pink, Peaches, Elvis and Elizabeth send their condolences as well. I so loved her fluffiness.
Noooo!! Goldie!! :-(
So sorry to hear this. She had a wonderful life, and will be missed.
So sorry to hear that you and Benji have lost your golden princess.
So sorry to hear that. Goldie was always such a wonderful ball of fluff. You and Benji must miss her so much.
Oh Goldie! We'll miss you so...always loved seeing your fuzzy face. Thinking of you and BL, RG! Extra snuggles for Benji..xoxo ♥
BL and RG so sorry you gave Goldie a wonderful life and what do you get in return? disapproval and heartache. What a wonderful bun girl she was, she really knew how to rock a do. Hugs to all and peace to Miss Goldie.
My heart aches for you and your loss.
Goldie the beautiful fluffy girl,we shall miss your cuteness and your fluffy adventures with Benji.We will see you again Goldie our golden princess,To Benji,RG and BL and everyone our thoughts are with you as we hold a special place in our hearts for you all!
much love and hugs from me and lots of super sized snuggles from Speedyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We are so sorry to hear about your loss of Goldie.
Give extra hugs to Benji!
//Mats & Christina
I am so very sad and sorry for your loss and our loss, too, of that wonderful baby! I know you'll take good care of Benji. Give him a kiss for me, please. Good thoughts and memories to you!
RG, you and your Houseful of Rabbits have had an incredibly tough year. Goldie and all your bunnies are lucky to have had you to take care of them. So sorry for your loss.
We came to paw our sympathy, soft husky woooos,
RA, Isis & Nanük
RG and BL, there is an ineffable peace across the Bridge, but it is also filled with bunnyness. Goldie is probably regaling her old and new friends with descriptions of her HOR haircuts. Do not be sad. A life of giving and receiving, receiving and giving great gifts, a life lived in an embrace of love, you all proving yourselves the kindest and most dutiful and Goldie thus allowed to be her bunniest is not to be mourned, and yet we do. Peace be with you and all of Goldie's bunny comrades at HOR.
She is forever beautiful and healthy now. She can see clearly, she has no more pain. She is with Bluie and all the other HOR rabbits that have passed into the next life. Nose rubs to Benji and you and BL, too.
I am so sorry to hear that Goldie has left you. She was a dear, sweet, soul.
I am so very sorry to hear about dear sweet Goldie. We send you many purrs and hugs.
so sorry to hear this... furry hugs. goldie was gorgeous and will be missed by many xxx
I always saw Goldie as a particular soulmate of yours, RG. We'll all miss her very much.
Oh, no! I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Goldie. She will be missed.
Beautiful Goldie, we will miss seeing your gorgeous face. Run free little one.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Nose bonks from all us
Oh...precious little girl with the most wonderful bunny hairdo in the entire world. I'm soooooooooooo sad. You are in such very good company my dear fuzzy girl. Light and love to you.
Hugs for the hearts of BL, RG and Benji. I share your tears.
I'm so sorry to hear about Goldie. She was a special lady, for sure. Sending nose rubs to Benji.
Our hearts are breaking for you. We know how hard it is to have one who has left paw prints on our hearts leave us. You are in our thoughts.
sending you hugs. it is always sad when a furiend goes over the bridge!
I'm so sorry. I only have one bunny and for less then a year now, but I can't imagine what it would be like to lose her. I really believe that Goldie is in a better face, with all of her vision and binking away with bunny friends. R.I.P.
Just popped over from Speedy's to send you big doggie kisses.
So sorry to hear your sad news xx
I'm so sorry to hear of yet another HOR rabbit making the trip across the bridge. You two have been wonderful caregivers to all these bunz. And even with all the disapproval they all know how lucky they have been to live with you RG & BL. Many tears and hugs for all of you.
I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Goldie:( She will be missed by all. Thinking of you guys!
I am so, so sorry for your loss. She was such a beauty and seemed very sweet as well. I will miss her sweet face. Hugs to you and BL and Benji. :*-(
Oh no! My heart aches for you two, I still miss Hef everyday, hugs!
So sorry to hear the news. So hard to make that decision, but the kindest thing you could do under the circumstances. She was a beautiful bunny and I'm sure she was grateful everyday that she could call you house her home.
Oh, RG... I just barely saw this post and I have tears in my eyes. I am so sorry for loss...
Every bunny that leaves us takes a big piece of our heart with them.
Binky free, Goldie <3
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