Thursday, April 11, 2013


... Go ahead and pick up your treasured copy of "Chico the Great" from Netflixxxxx while you are at it.  Double your viewing pleasure!" - Chico the Star
"Dear Netflix ... the scrapes,scratches, bites and little black pearls associated with my latest returns can all be explained.  Please don't dump me."  -  BL the Panicked


Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, no amount of delicious munchies, tales of bunny stardom or vendor crises is going to permanently distract us from inquiring about your NASCAR? pool. You do know it is a sin to gamble, except the part about getting out of bed?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Chico looksparticularly wise in that photo

SixBunnies said...

The bite marks and scratches and little black pearls make everything better ... they won't complain! :)

bunnits said...

Oh, those little fuzzy bunny cheeks!!!!!!

Pepper said...

Oh if only that was possible. 2 hours of Chico or Zoey on a rainey afternoon, what better way to spend the day?

Little Miss Titch said...

I could watch Chico for hours!Now RG about this Nascar pool....

Unknown said...

Chico is more of an telenovela soap star type of star. He is like a Mexican Burt Reynolds, but more handsome. He makes all the chicas swoon. It is not unheard of for a nutjob (NOT ME) to throw herself under a van, ahem, I mean BUS, after discovering that he is hopelessly devoted to Z in real life.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, did you want an Aussie to win the Masters? That was the pool, right? We kept screaming "Is the Pope Argentinian?" We are very fond of Angel. Oh, well...thanks for Weekends with Kittty. We really like them. And, Brandi, if you are alluding to me, I will not be throwing myself under anything until the little muchacho has his sombrero on.