Wednesday, April 17, 2013


.... strange bunnies."  -  Benji Explorer
"Benji is in the usual spot of C and Z; it is protected from the rain coming down.  I don't think he has never seen them.  Well, he is not shy about taking over!"


Pepper said...

Pooping in their litter tray is a nice calling card!

Crafty Green Poet said...

so where are Chico and Zoey then?

Little Miss Titch said...

just a bit of expansion!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

How can he have never seen them? Are you making fun of Benji? I really hate always being involved in moral arbitration, and do not say you hate it, too, I already thought of that. Anyway, it isn't nice to make fun of Benji, broom Winston, call KB weird, gamble (unless BL wins)...How can B not know C and Z?

Unknown said...

I keep telling you, RG, just let them all out in the living room and see what happens.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Uh, don't do that, RG. Our bunnies always astound. For unbeknownst reasons, good bunnies can do bad things and do them very quickly.

SixBunnies said...

Alert for bunny parents who build things for their bunnies with the NIC squares ... make sure bunny legs and feet cannot get caught in them! My Luna's foot is broken and I highly suspect the wire cubes... Taking her to the doc tomorrow. :( Everybody check and make sure your bunns can't get hurt on them, if you've used them!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

6Bs, I am sorry to hear about Luna. We feel like we know her. Thank you for letting us know about your suspicions. Saying prayers for you and Luna.

Unknown said...

Jane is right, RG. I thought I had a nice foursome bond going, but the two largest, Minnie and Myra D. are at each other's throats. LITERALLY. Be careful. And you should SERIOUSLY know by now to know better than to follow my advice...hehehe.

Unknown said...

Poor Luna! Praying for her, too, here, 6B!!!! I use the NIC cubes and have a HUGE pen/run system from my kitchen to the dining room. Meany Girl is the only one small enough to fit through them. I will definitely be watching out. I might just put up some cardboard against the bars.I had to do that once to protect an electric plug and cord to a lamp.

SixBunnies said...

Thank you, Friends! I wish morning would hurry! I am worried about her!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

6Bs, Do you have a rabbit rescue group nearby? Give them a call. You can go to Austin's House Rabbit Resource Network website and call someone. If you are near Pfugerville, Todd Riggan or Rigan at White Rock Vet. Clinic is a bunny specialist. I am hoping you can find someone to give you some first aid advice or reassure you. I am so sorry about this. AJ

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Pflugerville, Texas

SixBunnies said...

Thank you! Dr. W saw her immediately the next morning. All my bunnies and other various animals see Dr. Bethany Whetstone at Parker Animal and Bird Clinic in Plano, Texas. She knows them all and loves Mr. Jamal and Miss Luna! I over reacted... What actually happened was that I let her nails get too long and she put too much pressure on her heals, got sore hocks and an infection. Baytril and Metacam have worked wonders. It's still swollen and she is limping ... but she did some amazing three legged bunny 500s around the rose bushes this weekend, when I sat outside with her! Thank you very much for the info! I'm near North Texas Rabbit Sanctuary and the ladies there have helped with great advice before. :)

SixBunnies said...

"heels" instad of heals ...

SixBunnies said...

We took down the NIC cubes! Which meant that Ding and Cooper now get the ENTIRE back porch/sunroom to themselves and Jamal and Luna now get the entire master bathroom when in Prosper ... and we have built new bunny abodes at our country place in the garage ... don't grumble yet! The garage there is right off the kitchen and climate controlled and not really a garage anymore! The door stays open to the kitchen and dining area and the bunns are part of life as usual! So ... no more dangerous surfaces for the bunns! Bad news ... they have to travel in the truck with us back and forth to and from the city and country ... they don't mind, I'm sure. They sleep the whole way in their carriers... but I am NOT leaving them alone that long ... even if I did have kiddos checking on them day and night. Thanks for allowing me to hijack the blog for a bit to freak out about Luna. She's doing great! :)

Little Miss Titch said...

I'm Glad Luna is ok I was worried a bit thenhugs and kisses from me and Speedy