Friday, April 12, 2013


... Chair!  Please."  -  KB Living on the Edge
"I have no idea - but have a nice weekend.  Oh, wait!  I do have an idea.  Cats are .. well .. you know!"  -  RG the Understanding


Little Miss Titch said...

Adorable!loveable!Wonderfully mental at times!

Crafty Green Poet said...

well that's living on the edge there, KB!

Unknown said...

cats are weird

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

The poor unfortunate unweird kitty is already looking pretty flat. Does that rocking chair have a history? I once stepped on one of the front rocker extensions of a rocking chair while bending over to pick up a sheet of paper by its side and was banged in the head by the rocker's back. Let the one who has not been attacked by furniture be the first to laugh. It is okay to thoughtfully ponder the extent to which this explains my comments. Anyway, KB, you watch out for that rocker. Nice to see a kitty who can bring a little edginess into being stretched out and comfy.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hope your weekend has been wonderful so far. Cats are weird, but really funny too.