Monday, April 15, 2013


.... until things are better." - Winston the Smart.
 "I know how you feel Winnie-Poops.  Sometimes it is just a sad, sad world out there.  But you know, the blossoms hold a promise, don't forget."  -  RG the Disturbed
(Some of you may have seen the news photo of the older (78!) runner sitting down, with an orange tank top.  He was near the finish and blown over by a blast.  He is from just down the road, a very fast and inspirational runner here in all our events.  Glad he is OK.)


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

He was on pace for a very respectable finish for his age group. But I have to say his fall and recovery were quite inspirational, too. I hope I can bounce back like that, no bones broken, at 78.

I hope today hasn't changed our sport forever, but I suspect it has.

RG said...

He ran our local Skagit Flats Marathon last fall in well under 4 hrs!

Hope for the best! Good to hear from you.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, please tell him how sorry we are, but that his story means a lot to us.

bunnits said...

I think I'm with Winnie. Stayin' in.

Hope the gentleman from over your way is okay. It's hard to fathom such insanity. And what Auntie Jane said--ditto that.

bunnits said...

Just checked Yahoo News and saw Mr. Iffrig's story. Wow! He was really close to the blast. So glad he's okay.

Crafty Green Poet said...

So glad that guy was okay. What a terrible thing to happen at a marathon.

Unknown said...

Whatever piece(s) of garbage did that better hope the FBI finds them before the Irish Mob.
Glad your friend is OK, RG. Why the marathon? Marathon runners are so peaceful and so many have to overcome great difficulty to run a marathon. It becomes a challenge and victory for them against all odds! And it is such a great event, with people from all over the world, in peace and brotherhood, celebrating these achievements together.
Hey, Mario's Mom was not there, I hope/????....

Little Miss Titch said...

lower than pond scum the people who did this!glad you friend is ok

SixBunnies said...

I checked in with Mario's Mommy and she was not running yesterday, so she is safe and sound and will post an update shortly for all who are worried about her. :)

RoadBunner said...

Such a terrible day in so many ways. I am glad your friend is okay! Thanks for the concern, everyone.

Karen M said...

Glad your neighbor was OK RG. So many amazing stories from that day. We are trying to focus on that....

Christina said...

I saw the interviews done with him. He seems like a pretty amazing guy and I am glad he is okay.

I don't blame you Winston. Sometimes I feel the same way.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I will never ever understand the mean and evil spirit that lives in some humans. I'm always grateful for those who have a light that shines brighter to help in the aftermath.

I gave money and gas to a man at my door today. I felt he needed help. My friend told me tonight that he was probably scoping out my place to rob me. I hope not. I tend to be much too trusting that good will win over evil.