"First - Food. Two or three times a week viewers of this blog go over to the recipe column and look at one or more of them. (If you have made something from there and it turned out well, how about leaving a comment about it.) Anyway, BL made Stromboli the other day - for the first time ever. Boy oh boy was it good. So we have added it over there to the list. Give it a go."

"The confession. I broomed a dragon fly today. Wait, wait - hold the flames! The durn thing was on the back deck which is covered with the big tarp and it was buzzing and buzzing and wearing itself out and could not escape. So a few gentle steerings with the broom worked! RG saves the day - and the dragon fly! Good Ju Ju."
"MORE OATS meatball."
well done on saving the dragonfly! Now give the Princess some treats!
Yay for saving dragonflies! That calls for more oats--at least, that's what Mr. Mick says anyway.
The only thing I kill these days are mosquitoes, flies, fleas...
I killed a little green garden spider a while back. It was just cute. Looked like the seed out of a bell pepper with legs.
Now you know I am not a Buddhist, but that really turned me off death of tiny things. I snuffed out that precious little life like it was my job.
We are stewards of life, not arbiters of death.
Good Ju Ju, RG.
Having said this, well, let me add that ALL mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, parasites in general, wasps, cockroaches (German), lice, centipedes, slugs, bot flies, and squirrels MUST DIE!!!!!
Phew, thank JESUS I am not a Buddhist, eh!
Dang it, Meatball, Princess reminds me that I have to buy more oats...
Oh, and that stromboli is making my tummy rumble!
I am so hungry, but I only want stromboli now. And maybe some oatmeal...
Meatball! Hahahahaha! Now, I am going to imagine my bunns calling me that all the time! Will make me smile! Mmmm... My Hubby loves stromboli! I will make some for him this weekend and report back to you on the results, although I am positive that I will not do BL's recipe justice! :) Thank you for all you do, Lovely People and Bunners and Cat (We have a cat now ... My daughter has a Maine Coon and she is about 1 pound ... maybe that's stretching it ... and she is the cutest little thing! I'm not a cat person ... but the little Sweetie might be stealing my heart ... what's left of my heart ... haha) and all the other creatures and lovely flowers/plants/butterflies/etc.!!!!
well done Rg you're a hero!xx Speedy
I have looked longingly at those wonderful recipes, but they came with serious warnings. I usually prefer to test the waters myself, but the pictures, well they were worth a million words. I know I must have told the story of my uncle who was given a very expensive bottle of cognac (I think) and then passed it on to my mother. Her question (But why?) was answered with a straight forward, "I really cannot afford to develop a taste for it." What will happen if I make one of those beautiful cakes? Must think...in the meantime thank you all for all the lovely food pictures with or without the recipes. It has always been fun to see and hear about them. We reflect alot on these pictures. My husband: What does a guy have to do to get food like that? His wife: Well, sometimes the guy (RG) makes it himself and shares.
This is right up your green thumb alley, RG.
I follow them because they have good buys on bulk herbs, flowers, etc, for hay toppers.
Good ju ju...funny. More oats meatball even funnier!
Great blog! I am a historical romance author who is releasing my 9th book which features the heroine's sidekick 'Dexter' a very mischievous black Holland Lop rabbit. I would love to drop by your blog sometime and share the story with you and your followers. You can contact me anytime at killarneysheffield@gmail.com and check out the upcoming release 'Love's Magic' on my website http://www.killarneysheffieldromanceauthor.com/
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