"This evening we were watching Racer in his 2-story condo while we were having dinner. He has a platform in between the bottom and the top floors. It is about 6" wide and 10" long, right under the hole. I suppose it is about 8" from floor to platform and another 8" from platform to upper floor. He was sitting on the bottom floor, just having finished noshing some oats and playing a tune on the water bottle. Suddenly his ear twitched and in the blink of an eye he was up on the top floor, and turned around 180 degrees too! Racer is not a spring chicken - I think we reckon him to be 7 or 8. But what inspiration. I think BL might be starting gymnastics to keep up!" RG - the Narrator

Our Linden tree is way taller than our 2-story house now. At the moment, it is FULL of sweet smelling blossoms - and bees. I can hear the buzzzz for quite a ways away. Our Buzzing Tree!
Go, Speed Racer, go! :D
What we have here is a teachable moment. Now, what kind of cereal had Racer just finished off, and how did he wind up his little nose? I guess I could look up Linden tree myself, but I would like you to know if BL has chased you to the top of it after that little, hmmm, shall I call it an unwisecrack?
Oh, yes, and that is one cute bunny!
Well, you guys just him happy. He could probably smell the linden tree and hear the bees, and for one moment thought he was a spring chicken bunny again.
Thats my Pal a very Spritely Racer,xx Speedy
Racer is still a spunky bunner he had a happy spurt! and YAY for bees!
Well he's not called racer for nothing!
OUr lindens aren't quite in bloom yet, but soon, hopefully. I love their scent....
First lilacs, now Lindens. What do they smell like?
Mario says, "Us older buns can still be lively!"
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