"All those wonderful comments - and many of you we do not even know. Winnie was a Winner, wasn't he? - You helped us in a hard time so much - Thank you from BL and me both."
"This is a Milbert's Tortoise Shell butterfly (until someone says otherwise) sitting on a chip path in the yard. Never saw one here before. Sweet."
"And a new, teeny froggy - sitting on a soaker hose. Smart fellow and hope for the future!" - RG the Upbeat

Its good to see you Back RG,Princess is looking beautiful as usual,and A new tree froggy in the garden too!Hugs and snuggles to you all xx Speedy and Rachel
Glad to see you back,
What a beautiful butterfly and a cute little frog. Princess is adorable as ever
Tree frogs are good juju (til someone says otherwise, and no one had best say otherwise *menacing glare around the peanut gallery*). Especially when they winter over in the jade plant in the house. So I am told by my rabbit slavers.
I bet that butterfly came to sit atop the ears of lovely Princess. RG is just not quick enough to capture it on film. But I am sure that is why the butterflies come around.
RG, I think Princess may need a pluckin'. Her "skirt" is a bit "ruffly".
I wish I could do it for ya. I am an obsessive plucker of bunnies.
RG and BL, I'm so very sorry to see the news about Winnie. He was a lovely bun, and I know how much you will miss him (and so will we). Definitely the downside of having bunnies is that they do not live 50 or 60 years. Best to you and the gang,
Glenna, Pink, Peaches, Elizabeth and Elvis
Three very special and rare sightings - The Princess, a butterfly, and a frog. Sometime this week I saw a BBC Nature Section article asking people to start counting the butterflies they saw in the UK because of plummeting numbers. Bunnies, butterflies, and froggies are three of the most ancient and most universal symbols for newness of life that I can think of. I just want to say, in addition to the fact that Brandi can be really scary, that Winnie and all of you at HOR have helped me through some hard times. There is just something about good people and their bunnies.
The Princess is shedding her royal coat, so Summer has officially begun! Froggie is so brightly colored, makes me smile. You and BL and all of the HOR make our lives so happy. I know I look forward to every post from you, and to all of the HOR family's comments. Thank you, All!
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