"Now Chico had HIS nose in the pink dish AFTER eating all the oats in the blue dish. He literally pirouetted away when he saw me and the camera. Zoey is occupied with a very special piece from the hay pile...

... Neither one looks to be starving." - RG Observing
nope no hungry buns here,just cute ones,!xx Rachel
they look very happy together
Good on you Chico! You're clever not to get your illegal oat eating on camera - the lady would only use it against you!
Chico, come on, hombre'!
You got to get tough with your lady, let her know who's boss and such. You say, "Lookie here, woman! I'mma buck, and a buck has needs. Now shimmy and shake your money maker cotton tail on over to the pantry and get your ole papa bunny bear some more oats. And a beer. And put some lipstick on, gal. A man likes to see his woman put some effort into lookin' purdy. Lets him know she appreciates him and such, you know, as the breadwinner, protector, and pater familia and such. While you're at it, showin' your appreciation and all, how'z bout giving these ears o'mine a little groomin'."
That should do the trick, Chico, mi amigo!
It's funny how they will rut around in the hay pile to find the perfect piece.
Same action here with the pink and blue bowls. But Brandi, if Jensen told BC to put on some lipstick, she'd take a bite out of his rump. I imagine Zoe feels the same!
Yeh Brandi - get into the 21st century!!!
RG, The 21st century is a pretty mixed bag. And, it isn't even the century I grew up in. The pain of the past and individual painful pasts cast long shadows. Laughing about this darkness has never really helped me, but I don't mind if it helps someone else.
To quote my favorite philosopher:
"Doesn't anyone know sarcasm when they hear it..."
Charles Brown
Recognized the sarcasm Charlie/Brandi. Just couldn't help picturing the reality of the situation! Now, let's just go quaff some root beers with a WWI flying ace, ok?
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