... that big rains, winds, and maybe flooding is coming. I'm In, High, and Dry! Bring it on!" - KB the Bold

"Mr. Weather can be a bit overboard sometimes. But still - all the leaves are on the trees and a big wind could cause some problems. I got the trusty chain saw out and ready to go, just in case. BL figured out how to stream Netflix to her computer screen. Things look good. Stand By!" - RG Prepared
Fingers out of the way of the chainsaw so that you're not RG the Nine-Fingered.
Oh you have the same weather as us the High winds ,rain and Thunder storms,Bring it on!but stay safe,xx Rachel and Speedy
stay safe in the storm
I wish we could get that kind of weather. I am sick of the heat. Supposed to be a cold(ish) front moving into OK today. Right now, it's muggy as dog breath and warm. Yuck.
Princess eye update, RG?????
That's a point how is the Princess and her eye?inquiring minds want to know,xx Rachel
Please stay safe. AJ
Princess Eye Update!
No, lemme try again.
Princesses eye is fine! (Thanks for all the concern everyone.) She does have a discharge sometimes - maybe a clogged duct - and the vet has us use a warm, damp washcloth every now and then. She has had it for a long time and it does not bother her otherwise. She will be 12 at the end of the year, so she gets plenty of good attention and is still very active! One healthy bunn from a family of long-lived bunns!
Yee Haw! Jetstream rodeo! I wish we were getting that kind of rain!
Well, RG The So-Called "Splainer, if you would have 'splained to us IN THE FIRST PLACE that Her Majesty had an old eye issue from way back, then we would not be hounding you for updates...
Brandi, I fear our days of chiding RG are over. You have left us wide open to blackmail, and I shiver when I think of the consequences of the new intelligence now in RG's hands. It rained here, too! Yippee!
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