... And with very nice care at that! Laura from Reno Rabbits was here every evening for food and attention and more food, and then a nice lady with a cute kid came every morning for breakfast and snuggles. Beat that! (Oh - and they came back.) - Chico and Zoey and all the rest!

"It is SOOOO nice to be missed." - RG Returned
I'm sure they missed you really RG. You know rabbits, a proud species. Glad to hear you got away from the daily toil of slaving for the fluffies.
Hope you and BL had a lovely break, RG!
What a beautiful photo of Chico and Zoey
Sounds like they had a nicer vacation than you, RG. They work hard, I am sure it was well deserved.
Mr. Mick says it's good to let the slaves off the leash to play once in a while--they always seem the more compliant for it.
having a vacation is good but getting home is better,xx Rachel
Thanks to everyone who hopped into the breach and took care of this beloved duo. It is clear you did a great job and our gratitude is unending. I do think Pepper is on to something though, you know about rabbits being a proud species. RG, I hate to be one to promote grovelling but...Well, do what you think is best, but make sure those little ones are reassured, okay?
So awesome to have fabulous bunny sitters.
All buns, and cat, were well behaved. It's always great to visit them.
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