One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"Between this plucking and a warm compress on a dribbly eye, we are not popular today with the Royalty. There is probably no way out ...." - RG the Doomed
Best take her to the vet, RG. Eye abscesses are POPULAR with older bunnies...could be a dental problem, too, with the eye as a secondary symptom. Dangit, RG, just take her to the vet.
.. There's probably no way for you to make it out alive, so you may as well roll out the red carpet to the royal carriage and take her for a scenic ride to the "OMG!, is that the VET?!" royal hissy fit.
Oh dear. It is amazing the guilt you get for doing the right thing isn't it - syringe feeding, butt washing, plucking and general cleanining all culminate with 12 hours of buns sitting inside something glaring out at you.
Yes they don't like Plucking tried it on Speedy as he was loosing so much fur that in the end I got my hair dressing scissors out and cut it really short and now i can get my brush through the short fur and Speedy doesn't mind the furcut so everybody is happy.How ever RG just take The Princess to the vet we don't want her ending up like Speedy with only one eye now do we?xx Rachel
Best take her to the vet, RG. Eye abscesses are POPULAR with older bunnies...could be a dental problem, too, with the eye as a secondary symptom.
Dangit, RG, just take her to the vet.
oh dear...i hope nothing is wrong
.. There's probably no way for you to make it out alive, so you may as well roll out the red carpet to the royal carriage and take her for a scenic ride to the "OMG!, is that the VET?!" royal hissy fit.
Oh dear. It is amazing the guilt you get for doing the right thing isn't it - syringe feeding, butt washing, plucking and general cleanining all culminate with 12 hours of buns sitting inside something glaring out at you.
To the dungeons with you! Just be glad you still have your head!
poor Princess, but she probably does need a vet for her eye
Yes they don't like Plucking tried it on Speedy as he was loosing so much fur that in the end I got my hair dressing scissors out and cut it really short and now i can get my brush through the short fur and Speedy doesn't mind the furcut so everybody is happy.How ever RG just take The Princess to the vet we don't want her ending up like Speedy with only one eye now do we?xx Rachel
I did this exact routine on Mario last night and was not popular by the end.
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