... What's your take on ObamaCare?" "Obama has dogs - what does he know about BunnyCare?" - The Curious Two

These two do enjoy their fence times! When Racer goes over and turns the corner and heads down the "Bowling Alley" at high speed, she can stay up with him very well still!
and dogs hunt rabbits
As a Libertarian, I should stay out of this conversation, Racer. Or should I be saying Comrade Racer these days? Should I volunteer now for Reeducation, or wait til the Party Members knock my door down..um, er, em, I mean knock on my door...? Between the KGB and Stasi, oh, I mean the NSA and Dept. of Justice, I better watch myself, especially since the Constitution means Fu@*-all these days.
He seems to be a good Dad, so I bet he could be taught proper Bunny Care.
Every President looks back on their term in office with some regrets, questions, doubts..."What if I had had a bunny? Would things have been better with a bunny?" As we know, the answer to all these questions is a resounding YES. Without doubt, there is no true happiness in life without a bunny. Brandi, I don't know what kind of health care we will get after the NSA sees to it that we disappear onto some ship in the middle of the ocean where we are tortured day and night. All I ask is that we get to share a cell. It is not impossible, as they are bound to be running short of them. We can reminisce about the pre-post-human period, documents from the past, simple decency, love of all our neighbors and the livingness of this world. I would particularly request you because you are brave and really funny. Hasta la vista!
Or you could just up sticks and bring all of you pets to and move over here ? Any Takers?.....xx Rachel and Speedy
Rachel ... seriously considering it, if the loons in office do not do the right thing and resign ... sheesh ... If only George III could see America imploding now ... what satisfaction that would provide him! (Brandi, you're a liberal compared to me...)
But, seriously, the state of this once great nation is trivial compared to what the Princess and Racer are contemplating. Bunny minds are so far ahead of our own human intellect... Don't see bunny warrens being run like the US government, do ya???
Go, Princess! Give Racer and all those other buns a run for their money!
Speaking a a Brit, from a distance Obamacare had seemed at first like a great idea, sort of like the healthcare systems we're used to here (which have served us well for many decades though are implding just now). But the more I read the more flaws i see in the proposed system
It's good that Racer can discuss their concerns with each other and then go for a run together
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