Hard times in our county ... more and more people, and friends, out of jobs. Many services and activities gone. Other than agriculture, we have very little sustainable industry/professions. Most; like medical, stores and shops, construction, services ... depend on everybody being employed with money to spend. Once the housing bust, then house construction slowed here and everything else is going like dominoes. Tax revenues are down by 35 % and more so all city and county staffs are whittled away and let go. We need more on-going, clean, higher-education jobs and industries .. our city/county mothers and fathers don't see it that way. They want more electricians, boat builders, and Wal-marts. Pffftttttt ..............
Pretty Goldie!
I'm sorry to hear times are tough where you are. We're down a little in Houston, but it's not crisis-level yet. If things don't get any worse, our area will make out okay.
Nevertheless, this might be a good time do re-spark some interest in your lemons-to-lemonade idea.
Sorry things are so bad economically where you are. We can see the effects in Edinburgh, but its not too bad (though a couple of my favourite shops have shut down!).
Goldie is adorable, it must be lovely to hold her hand...
She's one stunning bunn!
We hear you about local businesses Hef's grandpa on his dad's side really owns a bar much like Hef pretends to and has had a big drop in business. I do really like the walmart too though.
Ha, ha word verification is "outspell" I doubt I can do that......
Goldie is such a gem :~)
I agree with your solution to economic crises. And we need to stop basing economy on making stuff that will end up in the dump.
A pox on Walmart. They let Walmart build right next to a Civil War battlefield around here. Like we needed another place to buy cheap Chinese-made crap that no one really needs to spend their hard-earned money on.
Rumor has it that the recession's bottomed out around here and that things are building back up a bit. We'll see. (And in the lemons to lemonade, when employment's down the traffic here gets better. Traffic's been awful lately, so I'm wondering if that's a leading indictor.) Even with the government going full blast, this area--historically pretty recession-proof--got hit hard because of the housing industry.
And Goldalina--is it true that blondes have more fun? You certainly have some beautiful fur!
if only DMV were a private rabbit joke!
as tempting as it is to go on and on, i won't.
crisis, ah yes....all too familiar at the moment.
thank god for bunny photos! and a big thanks to you goldie and the rest of your crew for being auto pilots nonstop to smiles!
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