If you've been to Seattle, or just studied it's idiosyncrasies, you know of a public sculpture called "Waiting For The Interurban" (shown below.) It is usually festooned with decorations/clothing for the season or occasion. Well, this is Goldie and Benji "Waiting for the Bunny Convey" ... their trip back in for petting and some fresh oats! Festooning is not permitted!

I've never heard of that monument (but it is no big deal, having never been to the American continent!), but after closely looking at the original and the bunnies' version, I must say I prefer the latter. The buns are beautiful (even if they're disapproving, as no doubt they know what you've been writing...)
Uh...PS: A 7-bunny-7 is welcome to land at any time in our drive...and the garden, with tall green grass, is at the bunnies' disposal for chomping off and digging if they feel so inclined ;-)
Are they still waiting for their fresh oats?
WFTI looks like a modern take of the Rodin's Burghers of Calais. No festooning of your bunns, I can see why, they just don't need it! ( wouldn't put up with it anyway).
I think you should festoon the buns with ties and little hats.
That reminds me, I miss Seattle, time for another day trip!
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