As you may remember, one of the Dutchies was actually Big Bad Boy who found Cocoa and they had a litter and one was The Princess! The Princess became a gift to us.
The kid in the middle (the cutey on the right is her young sister) is sensible with sensible parents (the mother being related to me!) and she has a bunny (that is ONE bunny) - Diamond - who looks a lot like Benji. She has had Diamond for several years. I shall say nothing about the sensibilities of the big kid on the left ..... although she is a cutey too!
We did have a good visit with the little tow-heads and their parents, and the bunns got plenty of attention.
It looks like everyone is having a great time!
It's hard being sensible when it comes to bunnies!
Lovely photo, the kids are all looking very happy and adorable :)
Having fun with Bunns, what could wrong with that? it sounds like most of your Bunns found you, so really BL is innocent as, well as a rabbit!
It might be sensible to only have one bun but ten give you a lot more to blog about!
How lucky your bunns are to have culprits such as those two, or else where would all the bunns at the House of Rabbits have ended up?
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