"Think we will get the boxes Baxter?????" "Hope so, they look quite yummy Zoe-Zoe."
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
"Think we will get the boxes Baxter?????" "Hope so, they look quite yummy Zoe-Zoe."
There may have been a bit of extra wave action up here from the Tsunami, but not enough to take a picture of. It came right about high tide, which could have been bad had it been big.
Are you tracking Audrey? She is at The Bunny Lounge!
* Opinions expressed on this post are strictly those of the rabbits and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of those paying the bills, etc...
The BMW-Oracle America's Cup racer - up one-zero in the best-of-three series off of Spain. The boat was built here in Anacortes, under extreme secrecy, and is HUGE. It was an awesome sight in its sea trials. In the upper left - that is the helmsman!!
But that boat is to sailing what Bugs Bunny is to a House Rabbit!
THIS is SAILING! Youngest daughter and her beloved 22 foot Aeolus.
Here are the clippers we used on Goldie ... even these power tools have a hard time with her fur. Soon she'll be ready for prime time again!