OK everybody - now listen up. Here comes the Birdchick with all that camera gear. It's our big chance to make the cover of The Birding Gazette. We lift off at the count of five and then zig down and left on the even counts and up and right on the odd ones. Got It? Orville? Orville? Orville!!!! ... "wha .. oh ya - I got it - chill, Wilbur."
These are some of the thousands of Dunlins that winter here in the field puddles near the tide-flats of Samish Bay. What a racket they make, just standing there, poking around!

I love to see big flocks of waders like this,
The birds are cool, but seeing the green grass is even cooler- no grass here in PA, just snow
They look like commuters, waiting for a train. Dunlins? We either don't have them in this ocean or I didn't know that's what they're called (the more likely scenario).
lol... are they all Dunlin?
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