While we go ahead and chew away on these tender apple twigs, you go down one picture, make it big, and hope for Spring. It IS coming (to the North hemisphere) - it is almost here at the House of Rabbits ...

Taken February 6, 2010 - Bow, Washington
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
That looks really really really hopeful, especially under our present circumstances...
Those spring photos make my bunnies and me feel better already.
I have Spring envy!
We are due for more snow this weekend - probably through to Tuesday.
Fortunately, though, nothing like the Eastern Seaboard is experiencing.
Those are some very TASTY pictures of spring.
Crazy isn't it? I thought frost arrived too early and now this. Oh well, it's good for the outside buns.
Those are lovely signs of spring!!! Here in PA we have a while to go yet:(
Bring on the spring!
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