Winston, temporarily caged for condo-cleaning, has managed to open the top and is about to scoot! GO WINNIE GO!
"BL is "Flying the Coop" too - off for a few days to help with a family move. I have some more "Down the Road" obligations this weekend and so faithful Friend Of The Animals and hubby will be bailing us out again! Yea for good help!" - RG

"You better tell them where the treats are..." - The Bunns
Hmmm...bun and cat abandonment yet again. The only saving grace is that the fill-in help is bun-approved. Still, you need to remember the travellers' creed: if you get to go on a trip, you have to bring presents back for all those who didn't get to go--I'm sure the furs can give you a list of what they would like if you're stumped for ideas. Also, according to bun and cat math, when calculations are done on household dimensions with a vertical element added, and the human's known laws of physics are suspended--there will be room for them to invite at least 100 of their bun and cat friends for the weekend to party without the humans finding out. Good luck on many levels.
Winnie, My Lovey Bun! He's my FAV! Well, all bunnies are my favorite actually, but Winnie has my heart. Luv him! Go Winnie Go! Run free! I'm thinking you had an accomplice because I can't believe you lifted that lid AAAALLLL the way up there ... but weirder things have happened when I turned my back on a room full of bunnies!
He DID do it! Fell over backwards a few times trying, but finally go it!
I think buns invented the saying about if at first you don't succeed!
Winston is so adorable. I love the baggy pants!
Down the road? Have a nice weekend everybun, and thanks for the great pic of Winston!
Winston you are one smart bun!
You are so lucky to have such good friends to come hang out with you while mama and dad are away. I know they spoil you rotten. :)
xx, shell
Best wishes in your endeavors, RG and BL. Looking forward to posts when you return.
What a cute photo! Hope your trips go well
Then I underestimated you, Winnie! You are truly a force (bun) to be reckoned with. That picture is too much for me to take! Too much cute Winnieness! I'm sure you were back in your comfy quarters before too long! :)
Ha! Great picture. That expression on his face says it all. (And those paws curling over the top of the cage - so cute! :)
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