... I'm doing well. For Bunnies there is mostly just this moment, and that is where I am - although a bit confused by my missing Baxter. Thank you all for the kind thoughts, words, and feelings - many I am aware of that were never even spoken by you humans."
Actually I have wasted no time redecorating - I AM a classy one. I've got a nice new box and blankie, and a LOT more room. I fixed everything this way - much different than the way BL had it at first =:<)

Glad to hear your doing well sweetie and I LOVE how you have fixed up the place:D
Zoey, with that hair, I can understand that you might be a little bit of an interior decorator! Humans never get the set-up quite right.
Dear Miss Zoey, we are glad to hear that you are holding up so well. Your redecoration looks as lovely as you are.
Baxter and Zoey had a huge fleece blankie (the one shown in the picture). I cut it in half last Thursday and wrapped Baxter in one half before he was placed in his special box and buried in our animal graveyard by RG.
Thinking Zoey would love sleeping inside a box lined with the other half of "their" blankie for comfort, I fit it so carefully inside that cardboard box.
During the night, she had dragged it out of the box, moved it to the front of the condo, and smoothed it all out, as the picture shows. All of that was no small feat for a bunny to do by herself! Especially spreading it out so nicely.
She's one tough cookie! But then, as a female ... why would we expect anything less from her?
Well sweet Zoey - we're happy to hear you are doing ok. Sending nose bumps over and we really like your blanket!
I think it's much better this way, Zoey, you are such a determined bunn!
Hang in there, sweet girl!
Nice job, Zoey! Glad that you're holding up so well *hugs*
oh Zoey, I just want to pick you up and give you a big snuggle, glad you're doing well and keeping yourself busy with all that redecorating
oh Zoey, I just want to pick you up and give you a big snuggle, glad you're doing well and keeping yourself busy with all that redecorating
Zoey you look marvelous and so does your house!
Oh, Zoey! You are just wonderful! OXOXOX to you!
Glad to hear Zoey is doing ok!
Carry on, Zoey! It's important that your blankie be arranged the way you like.
Zoey - Such a strong woman. And you're right: Never let anyone tell you how to arrange YOUR things, it's YOUR house! (I could learn a thing or two...) Nice to see you doing well, pretty lady.
No one will read this at the tail end of things here; perhaps just as well. I've discovered that Zoey, who was always such a tidy little miss, now poops all over the top floor of the condo, which used to be hers ... before she branched out.
Either she is saying, "There was only room for Baxter in my heart." Or "Now that Baxter is gone, I'm done with men."
Could be either one. Chico would be a good match for her physically, which is of course totally superficial. But he's bonded with me. So ... perhaps she'll have to make do with the love and devotion of RG.
Glad you are doing ok Zoey, I was worried.
BL-well, I read the PS. I think she is taking back her territory, marking it as her's just in case some other tries to move in........
All a part of adaptation, we guess. For some women redecorating is like therapy. Stay strong, Zoey!
All a part of adaptation, we guess. For some women redecorating is like therapy. Stay strong, Zoey!
Thinking of you sweetie baby girl. I love the way you have redecorated. Fabulous darling!
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