It is very wintry here and unusually cold - especially for mid-November. KB has it figured out though!
Katie and Phil (sans Puddy who was one of our old 7-Bunny-7 adventure group), from A Byootaful Life, are currently living for awhile in Vancouver B.C., just up the road about 100 miles from us. They are from Australia - she is like a little kid in a candy store over snow! Do you remember your first snow?
By the way, if you are from the East (anywhere east of the Cascade Mtns.) and plan to visit - don't. Here is the big I-90 freeway over Snoqualmie Pass tonight. You will NOT want to see it tomorrow.

I'm so very glad there are nine bunnies and a very happy cat that are NOT out in that weather. Thank you for taking such good care of your animals! ... We neared 80 degrees today ... not much like the Holidays here...
That is one smart kitteh.
That KB knows just where to be in cold, snowy weather.
Glad I don't have to drive in that. The quarter inch snows we get here amount to many collisions and school closures. Hey, it's the Sunny South. We did get 8 inches of the lovely white stuff back in '92 which shut down everything for the entire weekend!
Meh. I've seen (and driven) through worse.
BRrrr, stay warm, bunns and all. The arctic blast is coming our way today and tonight, thanx for sharing.
yucky! i have to hide now, won't be visiting so sorry!
Cats and buns (and most humans) do prefer to observe winter wonderlands in progress from a warm indoor location. It is an annual phenomenon, however, to observe the driving escapades of those unfamiliar with snow who drive to the mountains for the experience and are woefully unprepared.
SNOW?!?! WHAT??? Not yet. No. Please No. (Actually, I'm sorry to say it but we hit a heat wave. over 60 yesterday and today. It's ok though becuase it was below 40 last week.)
Hah--Keithius, you just doomed us to a winter of enormous snows, thanks to your careless remark! Take it back! Take it back!
KB, you are almost as smart as you are handsome.
@Keithus and Glenna .. YES - a pox on him. May Gus and Betsy take retribution on him in the name of The Princess who is freezing her butt off. Besides, we know for a fact from his own blog posts that he works at home, never ventures out, and is basically just a bunny slave!
gosh that's a lot of snow. Here's its cold with clear blue skies, no snow
Ooo.. If you come north across the line to visit your friends, let me know. I'm currently staying in Langley - just across the border! I would love to buy you tea and swap bunny stories. :)
Nice thinking little kitty... This season of snow and cold they really need some moderator. Actually my bunny’s rabbit hutches right now are filled with hays and I put some blanket where they can use. They just love going under when it is cold.
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