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"BL and RG are headed off for their get-a-way to San Juan Island. 3 days alone they get. How will they ever be OK without us????" - Savannah
Laura - aka Friend of the Animals (FOTA) of RenoRabbits - will be doing the daily chores. She now has more bunnies at home than here at the House of Rabbits. She will be one busy bunn keeper!
See you Friday - wish us well. - RG
If you see Peter Thielman in the San Juan's tell him his Ba Gua sister, Diana, sez Hi.....
Have a great time :D
I can see San Juan Island from one of my favourite look outs here on Vancouver Island. I haven't visited except when the ferry stopped to unload and load passengers. I have to say it looked beautiful and I want to go and see for myself some day. Enjoy your time away.
Have a wonderful time!
(Ok, people, it's bunneh-snatching time--I call dibs on Racer and Goldie.) ;)
Oh, Jade! Yes! I get Winnie and Lucky! But, how can we choose??? I want them ALL! I guess we have to share... I wonder if we replaced them with stuffed bunnies made by Auntie Chelle to look exactly like the House of Rabbits Bunnies, would BL and RG notice? We could probably get the real buns really spoiled before they noticed and retrieved them all ...
I'm sorry ... Auntie "Shell." Being a stupid hoomin, I can't spell.
Have a wonderful time. Evidently you will also be living the carefree life when you return, since there are plots afoot to "foster" your buns, your space will be bun-free. I call dibs on the intellectually hot Chico.
Savannah, I'm sure that you and your cohorts will keep Laura under control and make sure that everything runs smoothly. Don't worry about BL and RG. I'm sure they will find something to do while they are away.
I thought you meant San Juan in Puerto Rico! Thanks for the diagram lol. Have fun, and try not to miss your bunnies too much. I know, it's hard.
Jade, I don't think you can split up Goldie and Benji. That would be cruel!
I want them all! I only chose two because I didn't want to deprive everybody else of having a chance at a House of Rabbits Bunneh! And, Winny and Lucky get picked on for being the bad boys! I already have the ultimate bad boy, Mr. Cooper, so I can take whatever Winnie and Lucky can dish out! But, I know how sad BL and RG would be if their fur balls were gone when they came home, so I guess we should congrol ourselves .. right?
True, I would not want to split Goldie and Benji, so I will let someone else have Goldie, but Racer is all mine. Must have all that white-nose cuteness for myself. :D
pffft its not that far away you should come home for salad prep every day!
Have a fun trip, RG and BL! I'm sure the house will be just fine with the bunnies in charge!
Oh, and Savannah, you are so gorgeous, Dahling! Keep being the wonderful Lady you are! :) Love!
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