... Cut and Dried, In and Out, Up and Down, Yes and No, Wet and Dry, Hot and Cold, .... You get it. What can you add?" - Racer the Quizmeister!

"Sweet and Sour?" - RG the Bad at Tests.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
I think that's a pretty accurate summation of Pacific North-wet weather you have there, Racer.
Cute and Adorable! That's you Racer!
"Want a Racer" and "do not have a Racer!"
Wait ... those are kind of the same ... I can't have a Racer and still want one ... hhhmm... I can have one Racer and want more Racers.
6B, we can just kidnap THE Racer...OMG, was I thinking out loud again?
Chlorohorm and Coffee34...hehehe
Never ming RG we can't all be smart and we humans have no chance when it comes to buns!
Exhausted and jacked up on Starbucks. Uhhhh...ok so I let the cat..errr ummm bun out of the bag. hee,hee,hee.
Racer you are one precious boy.
Cute and cute!
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