Is it close Goldie? No, it's tomorrow. Oh good, time for RG to harvest the veggies!" - Benji and Goldie the Worried.

"But Guys! Heavy rain will ruin the beautiful roses and calla lily." - RG the Gardner.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
The buns and I live in a small apartment in the city. No garden for us yet.
...but I haven't been able to find their dried papaya in the stores for a week! And Mia Jamili is already refusing all other treats.
Flowers mean little to bunnehs unless they are of the edible nature--veggies will always come first. :)
nevermind RG buns don't understand flowers unless theycan bite them off.we have storms today so today is an indoor day for Speedy
yes, bunnies are only interested in what they can eat
They look sooooooo worried. I'm worried for them. Flowers and veggies look beautiful. RG has definitely earned the name of "gardener."
Now RG, you know it's all about what the bunnies want.
It has been raining and THUNDERING here for two days. Lovely lovely rain. I know you must get sick of it, RG, but here on the plains, each drop is like a kiss from the angels.
Very nice garden - veggies and flowers! I am very impressed! we had a grasshopper invasion here in the Dallas area, and they ate all the plants on my porch and quite a bit of my landscaping!
Grasshoppers, 6B? Or a plague of LOCUSTS?! Abandon Texas, my fellow bunny slave. What is next? I would say the waters running red with blood, but there might not be enough water in Texas. Boils and sores?
Come on home to Oklahoma,dear.
Can I come too Brandi B we are gonna have rain for at least a week and we'ev had it for more than a week now!
Speedster, you can come to Oklahoma anytime you want! Saves me from being detained by Homeland Security and having to explain why there is a blindfolded and drunk rabbit in my carry-on...
You might pass clean out from the climate though. It's not the heat, it's the darn humidity!!!
Yes, let's all run to Oklahoma where people know that turtles love reconstituted bunny droppings. Sound like your kind of place?
Beautiful flowers and yummy veggies. Life doesn't get better than that.
Ahem, it was TORTOISES, not turtles.
Don't be jelly just because Oklahoma is green and smells like honeysuckle, rain and fresh cut grasses. Oh, wait, could you be upset that the Spurs lost in OKC last night? Ouch. God really is treating y'all like a redheaded stepchild these days.
...well I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma, well they tell me I was born there, but I really don't remember. In Oklahoma, not Arizona (or Texas), what does it matter, what does it matter...
Course, I did live in Texas a good deal of my childhood. No wonder I have scars. And yes, all my exes DO live in Texas, that's one of the reasons why I abide in OKC.
@Brandi B. ... actually here in the Pac. NW we refer to it as the "good rain" - even if it dribbles on and on for sometimes what seems like forever!
but you Bunns go through that bed in a less than a week, nom, nom, nom
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