"I am a cat. Even though I can disapprove like a rabbit. Like now - of you and that camera." - Kitty Boy the Annoyed.

"Cats are weird .... uh, no, maybe not, maybe uh ... OK? Sometimes?" - RG the Confused.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
cats aren't weird the are just more complicated were as bunnys are simple there attitude is is that the Buns are the bosses and we are the slaves at their beck and call!There you go RG confusion solved
RG stop all this pretending. We know you love you some Kitty Boy!
Mr. Mick says, "Feh, foo' cat...Can't disapprove to save his soul. You want proper disapproval, you talk to the bun."
Really glad to see Kitty Boy. I worry about him sometimes. Y'all callin' 'im weird an' ever'thin' the way ya do. It ain't right.
understand, RG. My soul and my heart are at war over cats ... never been a cat person, but then, when I have one close, I do love them... I think it is some trickery they work on us!
... okay ... I tried twice ... just pretend there is an "I" at the beginning of the previous comment ... I give up now... going back to bed...
Cat's are weird. World without end Amen.
If only cats were vegetarian I would have no problems with them.
You tell him KB!
Kitty Boy does have a really cute pink nose, doesn't he???
KB is being abused again...get on a flight to Auntie Shell's house sweet one.
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