... A new sofa, a fresh rug, heaping bowls of greens, music, twin La-Z-Boyz, fancy water bowls, artisticly decorated litter boxes, and our very own Maid-Buzzer!" "Terrific. I wanted a Prius." - The Dreamers.

"At least it is pretty clean in there." - RG the Amused.
Get the little ingrates a Prius. I understand we all had fantasies of them in their Caddy convertible with long scarves blowing in the breeze, but they have gone domestic and practical on us. What is a bun slave to do?
Silly bunnies.
They are silly but let them have their dreams its what makes buns fun
Looking good bunnies. What cha ya gonna do with a prius?
adorable as ever,
Oh Choey - if you came to live with me I'd give you all of those things.
All that cuteness and a sense of humor, too!
No, no, no, not a Prius. How about a nice vintage VW Rabbit? There used to be one hereabouts that sported the tag:
I'd love to have a car that ran on doots--we've got enough of them.
RG, thanks for being so competent and cheerful in your daily rounds. Nothing that I am custodian of is flourishing the way your Household is, indoors and outdoors. Someone can be a gardener, a bunny slave, and amused! It gives me hope.
@Anon - actually there are three of me.
Prius-schmius, those are some swank lodgings for a pair of bunnymooners!
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